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Noarlunga South Australia


Meet the inspiring minds driving change and fostering a deeper understanding of Aboriginal culture through art, education, and storytelling.


Director & Cultural Educator

Meet Tjimari Sanderson-Milera, a true embodiment of his Kokatha, Narungga, Kaurna, and Adnyamathanha heritage. As the visionary Director of Kumarninthi, he is on a mission to revolutionise the way people perceive and appreciate Aboriginal culture.


With unwavering determination, Tjimari established Kumarninthi in 2020, fueled by a singular passion: to inspire a shift in mindset towards his people. His aim is to spread awareness and promote greater understanding of the richness and diversity of Aboriginal culture.


Tjimari's innate sense of community spirit has always been an integral part of his identity. As a young man, he recognised the importance of giving back to his community and inspiring future generations. With Kumarninthi, he has found the perfect platform to do just that.


Don't miss the chance to book Tjimari for an experience that will leave you with a new perspective on life. 


He is available for most bookings throughout the year and is sure to provide an unforgettable experience.

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Cultural Educator

Iteka Sanderson-Bromley is a powerhouse of cultural knowledge and creativity, with roots deep in the Narungga, Adnyamathanha, and Yarluyandi traditions.


As a seasoned dancer, artist, and cultural educator, Iteka's life has been a vibrant tapestry of experiences on country and lessons passed down from generations before her. 


Her passion for her culture drives her to seek out new adventures and keep her teachings fresh and relevant for the next generation.


With her wealth of experience and unwavering commitment to her craft, Iteka is the ultimate guide to unlocking the richness and depth of Aboriginal culture. 


Book her for your next event and witness the magic of her storytelling, movement, and artistry firsthand. 


She is available for bookings year-round, so don't miss out on the opportunity to work with this dynamic cultural leader.


Cultural Educator

Temaana Yundu Sanderson-Bromley, a vibrant 19-year-old residing in the captivating city of Adelaide, South Australia. While he calls Kaurna Country home, Temaana's heart beats in harmony with the ancient lands of his ancestors. 


Drawing inspiration from his diverse heritage, which includes Adnyamathanha from the majestic Flinders Ranges, Narungga from the picturesque Yorke Peninsula, and Yarluyandi from the captivating Simpson Desert, Temaana's art serves as a bridge between the past and the present.


Embracing the timeless wisdom passed down by his family and respected elders, Temaana's artistic creations blend traditional motifs with contemporary flair, offering a glimpse into the rich tapestry of his culture. 


Notably, Temaana's remarkable abilities were recognized in 2022 when he secured the prestigious 'Our Mob' Don Dunstan Foundation Art Prize, a historic achievement as the youngest recipient to date.


Fueling his insatiable thirst for knowledge and environmental stewardship, Temaana currently embarks on an exciting educational path at the University of Adelaide, where he now studies Marine & Wildlife Conservation. 


Temaana Yundu Sanderson-Bromley is not merely a name but a beacon of cultural resilience and a testament to the boundless possibilities that arise when ancient wisdom converges with youthful enthusiasm. 


We love working with interested and like-minded individuals and groups. If you you'd like to learn more or see how we can work together, please leave your details below and we will be in touch shortly.

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